Fríverslunarbandalag Evrópu - EFTA
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Vefþjóðviljinn 21. september 2008
„Það vill nefnilega stundum gleymast að ESB er tollabandalag en ekki fríverslunarbandalag eins og til að mynda Fríverslunarbandalag Evrópu (EFTA) sem Ísland er aðili að ásamt Noregi, Sviss og Liechtenstein. Aðildarríki EFTA hafa fullt frelsi til þess að semja um fríverslun með landbúnaðarvörur og allar aðrar vörur við öll önnur ríki og markaðssvæði, þá annað hvort ein eða í samfloti, ólíkt aðildarríkjum ESB sem hafa framselt frelsi sitt til þess til stofnana sambandsins og embættismanna þeirra.“
EFTA (wikipedia)
The Case for EFTA - grein eftir Daniel Hannan
Saga EFTA (EFTA History at a glance)
The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) is founded by Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK
Finland becomes an associate member of EFTA
Full free trade achieved among the EFTA States in industrial products
Iceland becomes a member of EFTA
Denmark and the UK leave EFTA to join the European Economic Community (EEC). The remaining EFTA States sign bilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with the EEC
Elimination of tariffs on industrial goods in trade between the EEC and the EFTA States
Free Trade Agreement signed with Spain
Luxembourg Declaration on broader co-operation between the EEC and EFTA
Portugal leaves EFTA to become a member of the EEC
Finland becomes a full member of EFTA
Start of negotiations on a European Economic Space, later to become the European Economic Area. Agreement on free trade in fish between the EFTA States
Liechtenstein becomes a member of EFTA. Free Trade Agreement signed with Turkey
The Agreement on a European Economic Area (EEA) is signed in Oporto, Portugal. Free Trade Agreements signed with the former Czechoslovakia, Israel, Poland and Romania. Declaration on Co-operation signed with Albania. Switzerland rejects participation in the EEA by referendum
Free Trade Agreement signed with Bulgaria and Hungary. Protocol on the succession of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic to the EFTA-Czechoslovakia Agreement signed
The Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) enters into force. The EEA Financial Mechanism is established for the period 1994-1998 (ECU 500 million for grant support and interest rebates in support of 1 500 million of loans)
Austria, Finland and Sweden leave EFTA to join the European Union. Liechtenstein becomes a full participant in the EEA Agreement. Free Trade Agreements signed with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovenia. Declarations on Co-operation signed with Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia
Declarations on Co-operation signed with Macedonia and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
Free Trade Agreement signed with Morocco. Declarations on Co-operation signed with Jordan and Lebanon
Interim Agreement signed with the Palestinian Liberation Organization, on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. Formal negotiations on a free trade agreement started with Canada, Cyprus, Egypt and Jordan
Free Trade Agreements with the PLO and with Morocco enter into force
Free Trade Agreements signed with Macedonia and Mexico. Declarations on Co-operation signed with Croatia, Ukraine, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) and Serbia and Montenegro. A new EEA Financial Instrument is established for the period 1999-2003 (EUR 119.6 million for grant support)
Updated EFTA Convention signed at the EFTA Ministerial meeting in Vaduz, Liechtenstein on 21 June. Free Trade Agreements signed with Croatia and Jordan
Updated EFTA Convention (Vaduz Convention) entered into force on 1 June. A Free Trade Agreement signed with Singapore and a Declaration on Co-operation signed with Algeria. Application for EEA membership by ten countries acceding to the EU
Launch of EEA enlargement negotiations on 9 January. Agreement on enlargement of the EEA signed on 11 November. A new EEA Financial Mechanism as well as a bilateral Norwegian Financial Mechanism is established in support of social and economic cohesion for the period 2004-2009 (amounting together to EUR 1 167 million). Free Trade Agreement signed with Chile
The European Economic Area (EEA) increased it membership to include 28 countries as ten countries join the European Union on 1 May. Free Trade Agreement signed with Lebanon and Tunisia.
FTA signed with the Republic of Korea. Two Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) signed with the USA. Negotiations with the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) finalised. Formal launch of free trade negotiations with Thailand.
Start of negotiations with Bulgaria and Romania on accession to the EEA. FTA signed with the Southern African Customs Union (SACU). Negotiations on an FTA with Egypt finalised. Formal launch of free trade negotiations with the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC). FTA with the Republic of Korea enters into force. Launch of Joint Study Group with India.
Agreement on EEA enlargement of Bulgaria and Romania signed. Negotiations on an FTA with Canada finalised. Start of negotiations on an FTA with Colombia, Peru and Algeria. Declaration on Co-operation signed with Mongolia. FTA with Egypt enters into force. Launch of Joint Study Group with Russia.