Um lýðræði í ESB: Þátttaka í kosningum til Evrópusambandsþingsins frá 1979

Post date: May 28, 2009 1:0:23 AM

Ný síða

Ný síða með upplýsingum um kosningaþátttöku fyrir "kjörna" þingmenn sem eiga sæti á þingi Evrópusambandsins, hefur verið sett upp hér

Stefan Collignon

"æðsta ráð ESB stendur fyrir þjóðnýtingu stjórnmála á ný"

Stefan Collignon is Professor of European Political Economy at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa and President of the European Association for Democracy.

Púnktar úr grein Stefan Collignon

    • No matter who wins in the European elections: the conservative European Commission President Barroso will remain in office

    • You have the choice, announced a poster at the European Parliament in Brussels. Think! At the 2009 European elections, we have no choice

    • Europe is in crisis

    • A referendum after another is lost

    • Voter turnout is falling and this is probably their historical low point

    • The European integration project was based on a promise: peace, prosperity, democracy.

    • This promise is losing credibility. While the peace (yet) been observed but appears to threaten the prosperity.

    • No, Europe itself seems to the agent for neoliberal welfare cuts have become Commission President Barroso is the symbol of this policy.

    • He stands for re-nationalization of politics

    • From a common macroeconomic control in the euro area, once one of the two main pillars of the Lisbon Strategy, was nothing left

    • Democracy thrives on controversy

Google þýðing: The farce at the European


Financial Times Deutschland

26. maí 2009

Farsi kosninga til Evrópuþingsins -

úrdráttur úr grein Stefan Collignon

Die Farce bei der Europawahl