Hverjir fá og hverjir þurfa að borga
Það hefur verið nær ógerningur að fá heildarupplýsingar um það hvert peningar þeirra landa sem borga brúsann í ESB hafa farið. Hér munu birtast tölur um þetta mál
Dæmi 1
Árið 1994 gékk Svíþjóð í ESB. Svíar hafa aldrei fengið eina krónu nettó frá ESB frá upphafi og til dagsins í dag
Petr Mach
Petr Mach: Fæddur árið 1975 í Prag í Tékklandi sem þá var Tékkóslóvakía. Hér er hægt að lesa meira um Petr Mach og tilurð þeirrar heimasíðu hans sem heitir Money Go Round. Á þeirri síðu er hægt að skoða hvaða lönd hafa haldið uppi ESB og hvaða lönd hafa fengið þá peninga sem ESB tekur af öllum löndunum. Hverjir fá meira en en þeir borga og hverjir fá minna en þeir borga. Debet og kredit. Einnig bendi ég lesendum á að lesa ensku síður Petr Mach. En Petr Mach hefur unnið sem ráðgjafi fyrir forseta Tékklands Vaclav Klaus
janúar 2009
Petr Mach um viðbrögð ESB við fjármálakreppunni
Petr Mach: Financial Crisis and the Treaty of Lisbon
"A sensible person must agree, after having studied the plan of the European Union, that it is not about financial crisis. The Commission’s proposals are unlikely to heal the financial crisis. Quite the opposite, through the so-called crowding out effect it will make it harder for businesses to access loans. The financial crisis has become an excuse for the European Union to increase the socialization of the economy and to usurp new powers. Somebody should tell the European Union that it does not yet have a mandate to do so.
Someone should remind the European Union that the Treaty of Lisbon has not been ratified yet".
júlí 2008
Ummæli Petr Mach um nýju stjórnarskrá ESB
How to read the Lisbon Treaty
How to read the Lisbon Treaty
"If one wants to learn what the Lisbon Treaty is really about, reading the treaty itself is insufficient. Reading consolidated version of the current treaties (where amendments of the Lisbon Treaty are incorporated) is also insufficient.
One must compare individual articles of the Lisbon Treaty with individual articles of the current treaties. The Czech government (similarly as governments in other EU member states) did not introduce to the parliament the consolidated version of the Treaty with specifying what was dropped and what was added as it is common with ordinary bills. Thus the government is in fact selling a pig in a poke".
Tengt efni á Moggabloggi
Hvað þarf til þess að drepa nýju stjórnarskrá Evrópusambandsins ?
júní 2004
Fyrsta heimsókn Petr Mach til Brussel
The European Constitution is not a remedy for European economic troubles
Ladies and Gentlemen,
"It is a great honour for me to speak at this conference. I must admit that I am not used to speaking in Brussels; actually, believe it or not, I have never been to Brussels before. As I lack the experience from the Brussels seminars, I am going to put as clearly as I can what I really think of the Lisbon Strategy, of the European Constitution, and their consequences . . . .
. . . The main objective of the Lisbon Agenda, that Europe should become "the most competitive and most dynamic economy in the world by 2010," might sound like an innocent or even a good idea to the people who have been living in the West for decades. But to those who used to live under the Communist rule in Central Europe, such slogans about catching up with the United States sound all too familiar. The difference is that instead of promoting information technology, the communist planners put more emphasis on heavy industry. Whereas coal and steel used to be the fashion fifty years ago, now it is computers. But the principle remains the same – the politicians believe that they are better qualified than the people in a free market to decide how much money should be invested and in what industries. This principle did not work under communism, and it will not work this time either".
(evrur á hvern íbúa)
Dæmi 2
Árið 1995 gékk Finnland í ESB. Finnar hafa einusinni fengið nettó greiðslu frá ESB. Það var árið 2000. Annars hafa þeir alltaf þurft að greiða nettó greiðslu öll árin sem þeir hafa verið í ESB
Skoða hvað Finnar greiða fyrir
(evrur á hvern íbúa)
Dæmi 3
2007 greiðslur til ESB: Öll löndin. Evrur á hvern íbúa
Rautt: þau lönd sem greiða meira til ESB en þau fá frá ESB
Blátt: þau lönd sem fá meira frá ESB en þau greiða til ESB
Skoða hvað öll löndin greiða fyrir eða fá greitt fyrir
(evrur á hvern íbúa)