Hækkun evru: "And now a currency crisis"
Post date: Dec 19, 2008 10:15:59 AM
Gjaldmiðilskreppa á evrusvæði: "And now a currency crisis"
Hækkun evru gagnvart dollar svíður.
The euro reached an all-time high yesterday, as its trade-weighted index reached a level of 117. In a volatile session, the euro peaked against the dollar at $1.47, falling back in later trading, and at over 95 British pence, as we are fast approaching nominal unity with the pound sterling. Against the dollar, the euro is stilling traded below the earlier year peak of $1.60, but this is now getting very close again. And all this, while crude oil is still falling. It was at $36.50pb.
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A government crisis in Belgium
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Nú liggur við að maður þurfi að fara að fremja vopnuð INNLÁN í bankanum. Vextir að nálgast núll í Bandaríkjunum og væntanlega einnig í Bretlandi og svo í Evrulandi, en þá alltof seint, eins og venjulega.
“Don’t move. Take the money.”