Jean-Claude Juncker: ESB á leiðinni inn í samfélagslega kreppu
Post date: May 05, 2009 5:26:1 PM
Evrópusambandið á leið inn í verstu samfélagslegu kreppu frá lokum seinni heimsstyrjaldar
Jean-Claude Juncker er m.a. fjármálaráðherra Lúxemburg og formaður stýrihóps evru. Hann segir að Evrópusambandið og lönd þess séu á leið inn í sína verstu samfélagslegu kreppu frá lokum seinni heimsstyrjaldar. "Fólk mun verða örvæntingarfullt. Við verðum að skoða nánar okkar samfélagslega líkan". Á sama tíma mun skuldastaða ríkja Evrópusambandsins versna stórkostlega
“We’re heading toward a social crisis; there will be an unemployment crisis,” lesa áfram
Mynd: (1) Atvinnuleysi og (2) atvinnusköpun á evrusvæði í mars 2009
Mynd: Jean-Claude Juncker
FT Deutschland
Óvild á milli Lúxemburg og Þýskalands. Mun Juncker hætta í Eurogroup?
Fregnir herma að mikil óvild ríki á milli Jean-Claude Juncker's fjármálaráðherra Lúxemburg og ráðamanna Þýskalands á skrifandi stundu. Hafa ber í huga að Jean-Claude Juncker er einnig formaður stýrihóps myntbandalagsins, Eurogroup.
"There are rumours that he might drop the presidency of the euro group over growing frustration, especially with Germany and France. He is apparently reeling that he was not allowed to take part in the G20, and that Germany classified Luxembourg as a tax haven"
Óvildin er sprottin af því að Þýskaland hefur skilgreint heimaland Jean-Claude Juncker's sem skattaskjól og sett landið á "lista" yfir lönd sem hafa fengið þennan sama stimpil. Samkvæmt orðrómi hótar Juncker að hætta sem formaður Eurogroup. Þetta skrifar FT Deutschland samkvæmt frétt Eurointelligence í gær
Eiga allir að rétta sig inn eftir skattalíkani Þýskalands? Mér er spurn? Hvað verður næst?
U.S. Federal Reserve Eurozone myndrit
L.A. Times
Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, who led regular talks between euro-zone finance ministers on Monday, said the loss of millions of jobs would trigger a social crisis that would put millions of Europeans "into a state of despair." "We cannot underestimate the explosive effect of such an economic crisis," he told reporters.
"We're going to have to do some long and hard thinking about our social model and whether it's on the right track." European governments face mounting public debt and deficits as they face rising social welfare costs to cover unemployment and health care benefits — and lower tax revenues to support them.
Juncker urged companies not to lay off people prematurely saying "European firms should be aware of that responsibility" and should instead cut workers' hours.
The EU forecasts Spanish unemployment will rise to 20 percent — with one in five workers unable to find a job — while the jobless rate in France and Britain will climb over 3 million next year.
Germany, the region's largest economy will shed 1.5 million jobs this year and next year, it says, with some 8.5 million jobs disappearing across the 27-nation EU over two years. Jean-Claude Juncker. Lesa áfram