Spánn: atvinnuleysi mælist nú 17,4%
Post date: Apr 25, 2009 8:12:0 AM
17,4% atvinnuleysi
17,4% atvinnuleysi
Á aðeins þrem mánuðum hefur atvinnuleysi hækkað frá 13,9% til 17,4% á Spáni. Smellið á myndina til að sjá atvinnuástand á Spáni eftir héruðum
WSJ: U.K., Spain Underline Europe's Bleak Outlook
The U.K.'s economy took its worst dive in 30 years and Spain's jobless rate soared to nearly one in five, underscoring the pain sweeping across Europe as repercussions of the global financial crisis take hold
In Spain, the unemployment rate jumped to 17.3% at the end of March from 13.9% three months earlier
Atvinnuþátttaka í heild er: 60.15%
Atvinnuþátttaka kvenna er: 51,5%
Fréttatilkynning frá hagstofu Spánar: INE
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