Um lýðræði í ESB: Þátttaka í kosningum til Evrópusambandsþingsins frá 1979
Post date: May 28, 2009 1:0:23 AM
Ný síða
Ný síða með upplýsingum um kosningaþátttöku fyrir "kjörna" þingmenn sem eiga sæti á þingi Evrópusambandsins, hefur verið sett upp hér
Stefan Collignon
"æðsta ráð ESB stendur fyrir þjóðnýtingu stjórnmála á ný"
Stefan Collignon is Professor of European Political Economy at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa and President of the European Association for Democracy.
Púnktar úr grein Stefan Collignon
No matter who wins in the European elections: the conservative European Commission President Barroso will remain in office
You have the choice, announced a poster at the European Parliament in Brussels. Think! At the 2009 European elections, we have no choice
Europe is in crisis
A referendum after another is lost
Voter turnout is falling and this is probably their historical low point
The European integration project was based on a promise: peace, prosperity, democracy.
This promise is losing credibility. While the peace (yet) been observed but appears to threaten the prosperity.
No, Europe itself seems to the agent for neoliberal welfare cuts have become Commission President Barroso is the symbol of this policy.
He stands for re-nationalization of politics
From a common macroeconomic control in the euro area, once one of the two main pillars of the Lisbon Strategy, was nothing left
Democracy thrives on controversy
Google þýðing: The farce at the European
Financial Times Deutschland
26. maí 2009
Farsi kosninga til Evrópuþingsins -
úrdráttur úr grein Stefan Collignon